The Lighthouse Preservation Society completed the process of researching, engineering, and fabricating ten missing historic brass vents in our latest lighthouse preservation project, the restoration of the two Newburyport Range Light towers. We would like to offer these custom-made handcrafted replicas to you, so the lighthouse(s) you own or manage can benefit.
These working replicas are not available anywhere else, and with the majority of our nation’s lighthouses missing these historic artifacts, chances are that you may need them in order to complete the restoration of your lighthouse.
There are two major components to the vents we will make for you:
(1) The brass louver, which is the top rotating piece of the vent assembly; and
(2) a stainless-steel backing plate. The backing plate lies behind the brass louver, and is made of stainless steel, so it will not oxidize at the same rate as the brass louver, preventing the two pieces from locking up.
Our brass louvers come in two different finishes:
1. Rough Finished Brass. Does not need to be polished.
2. Polished Brass, with a lacquer finish, for a high-maintenance but more finished look.
From what we’ve seen in the field, most lighthouses seem to be missing both the backing plates and the louvers, leaving holes in the lantern room walls. Occasionally, there are situations where the old metal backing plates still cover the vent holes, but the sliding brass louvers are missing, so you are unable to regulate the airflow. If this is your situation, then order the custom brass vent louvers only.
CONTACT US for pricing and delivery arrangements.
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